Thursday, November 7, 2013

Small things goes a long way

Hello, it has been a while since we updated the blog but its just that we had been pretty busy and in top gears planning. We are also looking forward to launch our official website that is under construction. We have been having great volunteers who shared and assisted in knowledge of quail project. However, we still need volunteers who are fully informed about the birds. The project will be a great hit out of its intensive benefits. We are currently preparing for Christmas the same with every home we work with. Any Christmas package including presents can be sent to us through our postal address which is  Muungano Community International, P.o Box, 40 -00902 Kikuyu Kenya or if you are in the US, contact Cher Antia  through or Jeffrey Sabourin through who will assist you in sending the package and/or donations.
We dearly need partners who can assist fund the quail and farming projects to be implemented in several homes. If one feels the need to support this project, feel free to write us. In the meantime, feel obliged to show some love through assisting an orphan in need however small you support may appear. Small things goes along way here in Africa and brings a big difference.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Still proceeding

We are in the process of building a new chicken coup/shed to help in the evenly distribution of the 200 chicken to facilitate full production at Home delegate. This is being done with the help of our dear volunteers from Belgium. We hope that soon there shall be a hatching system to help us breed our own chicken and sell them as the project grows. However, we are still in need of more volunteers, support, donations and ideas to keep our projects going. If One would be interested to get involved, please dont hesitate to contact us through or contact Jeffrey Sabourin through
Volunteers are welcome to write us and state the project they would like to support.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wave of Change

The Festive season is approaching and the cause is still rolling on. We have recently have a wave of change through our volunteers, who has made great impact in our projects hence brightening the lives of orphan kids. We have had wonderful volunteers who are a crucial part of our cause. The volunteers has worked towards our vision and as a result, a smile has been mounted on the kids faces. They worked so hard at Home Delegate where the kids are having a good times with these volunteers. The kids are experiencing exposure and learning on skills that will help them in future life. As we continue with this cause, more volunteers are needed to keep the projects rolling. Volunteers and other people/organization who would want to be part of this worthy cause should send us an email through we will be glad to get you involved in a cause that will change lives.